#32c3 – best of chaos communication congress (part 7)

A New Kid on the Block
Conditions for a Successful Market Entry of Decentralized Social Networks

Talk by Katharina Nocun

Extract from the program:

The leading social networks are the powerful new gatekeepers of the digital age. Proprietary de facto standards of the dominant companies have lead to the emergence of virtual “information silos” that can barely communicate with one another. Has Diaspora really lost the war? Or is there still a chance to succeed?

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#32c3 – best of chaos communication congress (part 6)

Grundrechte gelten nicht im Weltall!

Szenische Lesung von anna, Constanze Kurz, cbass, Felix Betzin

Auszug aus dem Programm:

In den nunmehr Hunderte A4-Seiten füllenden Live-Protokollen des NSA-BND-Untersuchungsausschusses, die bei netzpolitik.org nachzulesen sind, verbergen sich interessante Antworten auf Fragen, die niemand gestellt hat, vorher unbekannte juristische „Theorien“ des BND und Perlen verlogener Rabulistik.

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#32c3 – best of chaos communication congress (part 5)

Media Coverage and the Public in the Surveillance Society:

Talk by Arne Hintz and Lina Dencik (University of Cardiff, Wales, GB)

Extracted from the program:

How have the media reported the Snowden revelations? Does the public care about surveillance, and how do people react? Do we need a ‚data justice‘ movement?

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#32c3 – best of chaos communication congress (part 4)

The possibility of an army

Talkperformance by Constantin Dullaart

Extracted from the program:

Using follower bombing as art performances, the artist Constant Dullaart continues the research into attention and identity as a commodity on social networks, and has recently created a large sum of custom created artificial Facebook identities.
Many websites offer an option to login in with Facebook credentials due to the strict controle of the service on the reliability and verification of the social medium. In a time where the open borders in Europe are under pressure, and Syrian identities are sold to people that long for a better future, virtual identity systems, and their reliability become a topical analogy.

Full video stream:

#32c3 – best of chaos communication congress (part 3)

Trust us and our business will expand!

Talkperformance by Andreas Zingerle, Linda Kronman

Extracted from the 32C3 halfnarp

The lecture outlines strategies by the „Artist against 419“ online community that uses open source intelligence to gather data and file reports about fraudulent websites. The lecture presents the artistic installation „Megacorp.“ (created by KairUs) that tries to visualize the global phenomenon of fake business websites.

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#32c3 – best of chaos communication congress (part 2)

Ten years after ‚We Lost The War‘

Talk by Frank Rieger & Rop Gonggrijp

Extracted from the program:

The talk „We Lost The War“ was presented at Congress ten years ago, causing quite a stir. It was a prediction of a dark future that did not sit well with many people, but unfortunately many predictions have come true meanwhile. This talk will try to address what comes next, as well as what the hacker community can do to make things better.

Full video stream:

#32c3 – best of chaos communication congress (part 1)

What does Big Brother see, while he is watching?

Talk by Simon Menner

Extracted from the 32C3 halfnarp

In the past years there has been a lot of discussion on the topic of state sponsored surveillance. But hardly any material can be accessed to support the general debate due to vaguely declared security concerns. So we are debating Big Brother with little knowledge about what he actually sees, while he is watching. Over the course of three years, I was able to research the archives left by East Germany’s Stasi to look for visual memories of this notorious surveillance system and more recently I was invited to spend some weeks looking at the archive by the Czechoslovak StB. Illustrating with images I have found during my research, I would like to address the question why this material is still relevant – even 25 years after the fall of the Iron Curtain.

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