#33c3 – best of chaos communication congress 2016 (part 2)

Video: Check Your Police Record! – Polizeiliche Datenbanken und was man über seinen Auskunfts- und Löschungsanspruch wissen sollte

Egal ob beim Verfassungsschutz, dem Bundeskriminalamt, den Landeskriminalämtern, dem Kraftfahrtbundesamt oder irgendeiner anderen datensammelnden Behörde: JedeR Einzelne sollte daran interessiert sein, welche Daten warum wieso weshalb seit wann und wie lange noch über ihn oder sie gespeichert werden.

Oder wie der Vortragende, Rechtsanwalt Ulrich Kerner, sagt: „Grundrechte sind nur wirksam geschützt, wenn der Bürger sich darum kümmert, dass sie eingehalten werden.“

Eine strukturierte Hilfe für das eigene Auskunftsersuchen ist bei datenschmutz.de zu finden.

#33c3 – best of chaos communication congress 2016 (part 1)

Video: The Global Assassination Grid – The Infrastructure and People behind Drone Killings

Talk about the secret drone war of the United States, using infrastructure on German soil (Ramstein Air Base).

Some facts about the 24th Intelligence Squadron.

#32c3 – best of chaos communication congress (part 9)

Collect It All: Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) for Everyone

Talk by M.C. McGrath (Transparency Toolkit)

From the program:

Governments post reports and data about their operations. Journalists publish documents from whistleblowers. But there is a third type of open data that is often overlooked – the information people and companies post about themselves. People need jobs. Companies need to hire people. Secret prisons do not build themselves.
By making it feasible for anyone to collect public data online in bulk and exploring ways to effectively use this data for concrete objectives, we can build an independent, distributed system of accountability.

Full video stream:

#32c3 – best of chaos communication congress (part 8)

Predicting Crime in a Big Data World

Talk by Whitney Merrill

Extract from the program:

„Yearly, the world is inundated with news about government data collection programs. In addition to these programs, governments collect data from third party sources to gather information about individuals. This data in conjunction with machine learning aids governments in determining where crime will be committed and who has committed a crime. Could this data serve as a method by which governments predict whether or not the individual will commit a crime? This talk will examine the use of big data in the context of predictive policing. Specifically, how does the data collected inform suspicion about a particular individual? In the context of U.S. law, can big data alone establish reasonable suspicion or should it just factor into the totality of the circumstances? How do we mitigate the biases that might exist in large data sets?“

Full video stream:

#32c3 – best of chaos communication congress (part 7)

A New Kid on the Block
Conditions for a Successful Market Entry of Decentralized Social Networks

Talk by Katharina Nocun

Extract from the program:

The leading social networks are the powerful new gatekeepers of the digital age. Proprietary de facto standards of the dominant companies have lead to the emergence of virtual “information silos” that can barely communicate with one another. Has Diaspora really lost the war? Or is there still a chance to succeed?

Full video stream:

#32c3 – best of chaos communication congress (part 6)

Grundrechte gelten nicht im Weltall!

Szenische Lesung von anna, Constanze Kurz, cbass, Felix Betzin

Auszug aus dem Programm:

In den nunmehr Hunderte A4-Seiten füllenden Live-Protokollen des NSA-BND-Untersuchungsausschusses, die bei netzpolitik.org nachzulesen sind, verbergen sich interessante Antworten auf Fragen, die niemand gestellt hat, vorher unbekannte juristische „Theorien“ des BND und Perlen verlogener Rabulistik.

Full video stream:

#32c3 – best of chaos communication congress (part 5)

Media Coverage and the Public in the Surveillance Society:

Talk by Arne Hintz and Lina Dencik (University of Cardiff, Wales, GB)

Extracted from the program:

How have the media reported the Snowden revelations? Does the public care about surveillance, and how do people react? Do we need a ‚data justice‘ movement?

Full video stream:

#32c3 – best of chaos communication congress (part 4)

The possibility of an army

Talkperformance by Constantin Dullaart

Extracted from the program:

Using follower bombing as art performances, the artist Constant Dullaart continues the research into attention and identity as a commodity on social networks, and has recently created a large sum of custom created artificial Facebook identities.
Many websites offer an option to login in with Facebook credentials due to the strict controle of the service on the reliability and verification of the social medium. In a time where the open borders in Europe are under pressure, and Syrian identities are sold to people that long for a better future, virtual identity systems, and their reliability become a topical analogy.

Full video stream:

#32c3 – best of chaos communication congress (part 3)

Trust us and our business will expand!

Talkperformance by Andreas Zingerle, Linda Kronman

Extracted from the 32C3 halfnarp

The lecture outlines strategies by the „Artist against 419“ online community that uses open source intelligence to gather data and file reports about fraudulent websites. The lecture presents the artistic installation „Megacorp.“ (created by KairUs) that tries to visualize the global phenomenon of fake business websites.

Full video stream:

#32c3 – best of chaos communication congress (part 2)

Ten years after ‚We Lost The War‘

Talk by Frank Rieger & Rop Gonggrijp

Extracted from the program:

The talk „We Lost The War“ was presented at Congress ten years ago, causing quite a stir. It was a prediction of a dark future that did not sit well with many people, but unfortunately many predictions have come true meanwhile. This talk will try to address what comes next, as well as what the hacker community can do to make things better.

Full video stream: